Queensland Mining Awards


Submissions are now open for Queensland's premier mining excellence showcase, the Queensland Mining Awards (QMA 2024).

QMA 2024 offers a prestigious platform to recognise innovation, courageous leadership and outstanding contributions to Queensland’s flourishing resources sector.

Covering eight categories in innovation, productivity, new products, collaboration, environment, safety, and community engagement, the Awards recognise achievements across the full spectrum of mining activity.

Hosted by the Bowen Basin Mining Club in partnership with the Queensland Resources Council (QRC), QMA 2024 holds particular significance, marking a decade of recognising excellence and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the Queensland resources sector.

QRC acting Chief Executive Judy Bertram says the partnership and the Awards themselves continues to provide a valuable platform for businesses at all levels of the sector to reflect and recognise the practices that drive the industry forward.

“From the smallest one-person business in our supply chain right through to the major producers, Queensland’s resource sector provides a significant economic contribution to our state,” said Ms Bertram.

“In fact, mining and energy companies contributed a record $116.8 billion to the state economy in 2022-23 which shows how important our industry is to the future of Queensland.”

The Queensland Mining Awards provide a unique opportunity for Queensland’s diverse resources community to be acknowledged by their peers and industry leaders. Held as the gala event of the Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) in Mackay on July 24th, the Awards magnify the presence of entrants at QME.

Any project or product developed between April 2022 and April 2024 is eligible for entry.

All submissions will be judged by a panel of independent industry experts, to be announced in February. One exceptional entry will then be chosen to be named the 2024 Queensland Mining Contractor of the Year, for outstanding performance across several categories.

Winning a coveted award has also opened doors of opportunity for business growth and expansion in past years.

Bowen Basin Mining Club Director Jodie Currie encourages businesses of all sizes to seize the chance to enter this year.

“The Queensland Mining Awards are about celebrating the best of the best,” said Ms Currie. “They showcase businesses of all sizes and individuals who are driving progress, pushing boundaries, and making a real contribution towards the strong future of mining in Queensland.”

Entries are open now and close on Friday 26 April 2024. Finalists will be announced in June, with the winners named on Wednesday 24 July 2024 at the Queensland Mining Awards Gala Dinner.